
The artistic works of Flurina Badel (born 1983 in Lavin/Switzerland) and Jérémie Sarbach (born 1991 in Binn/Switzerland) utilise various media (installation, sculpture, photography, video, sound and performance). The duo, having been working together since 2014, is interested in issues such as the evolution of landscape, the relationship between nature and culture in the Anthropocene, new forms of communication and the overlap of the analogue and digital world.
The work cycle ‘Lost Waters & Found Stairs’ pursues a poetic-philosophical approach to the changing ecosystem of the river. The eponymous video installation thematises the body of water as a habitat limited by the destructive influence of man and, at the same time, as a place of encounter and a potential field of transition between human beings and fish. The narrator’s description (among others, the artist filming on the shore is visited by an alchemist, a fisherman and a scientist) opens up an empathic, multi-perspective situation in which clear boundaries and categorisations become blurred and which not only invites the viewer to engage with the environment, but is also characterised by the attempt to take on the perspective of other living beings and become a part of them.
Fragments of an imaginary architecture are digitally inserted into the landscape and underwater shots, while other artistic works are embedded in analogue form. Two objects, which can also be seen in the video, are placed next to the double projection in the exhibition space: individual clay elements, connected by a chain, form the hanging sculpture
‘Fishes’, whereas ‘Index Finger’ are two relief casts made of concrete, covered with sediments that have accumulated during storage in the creek.