Pictures of the artistic journey with Prof. Andreas Greiner: From the Zoological Museum to Stadtgalerie Kiel
Thu, Oct 17, 2024

What connection still exists between the birds of past ages, the chickens of the 19th century and the chickens that many people eat today, given that around 70 billion chickens are eaten in the world every year? This is one of the questions indirectly raised by a series of artworks by Andreas Greiner, which are on display at the Zoological Museum Kiel and the Stadtgalerie Kiel. The event is designed as a walk between the Zoological Museum Kiel and the Stadtgalerie Kiel to understand the mechanisms behind his work in the company of the artist.
In addition, Greiner, who is also a professor at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, will give an insight into his practice, which is intended to open up reflection on our connection to other living creatures to viewers, and will be accompanied by a mediator from the zoological Museum, who will return to the topic of evolutionary forms in particular. The visit will include a walk through the art and nature trail, where Greiner will also present a guide to reconnecting with the earth.
Zoological Museum Kiel, Hegewischstraße 3, 24105 Kiel
The Biennale Pass is required for this event. If you have already purchased it, please bring it with you. It is also available on site for a donation.